Analysis of Amazon Presence
Little Sleepies is a 3rd party seller on Amazon. As of 7/18/2024 their Amazon storefront shows 11 Parent ASINs with 6 of those launched recently on July 15th. Across these 11 parent ASINs they have 143 Child ASIN variations. Using H10’s X-ray total estimated revenue is $388k/month. If Little Sleepies is on multiple channels and Amazon represents about 28% of total sales (as is normal for other brands) then their total annual revenue would be ~$16.6M/year currently.
Currently 94% of est. revenue comes from these 2 parent listings
Little Sleepies Bamboo Viscose 2-Way Zipper Pajamas - 1,345 reviews and 4.7 star rating
Little Sleepies Two-Piece Pajama Set for Boys and Girls - 419 reviews and 4.8 star rating
Little Sleepies currently primarily competes in Amazon’s browse node “Blanket Sleepers” category in “Sleepwear & Robes”
Searching for “baby pajamas” in Amazon’s Product Opportunity Explorer shows several relevant Niches. Of these the most relevant for Little Sleepies is “Bamboo Baby Pajamas” since the top selling product is made from Bamboo.
At a high level seeing that within the Niche there are 101 top clicked products account for 90%+ of all the clicks for the top 20 terms in this niche. This means shoppers have a lot of different preferences (I assume mostly related to style) when it comes to pajamas for their baby.
Here are the top products with the Niche.
This gives us an idea of the top products, however it is helpful to look at this data from the Brand perspective to get an idea of who the main competitors in the niche are. Here is what that looks like. We can observe that Little Sleepies is priced competitively vs the other top clicked brands in the niche and currently over the past 360 days has the most click share in the niche.
In looking at the top 20 terms for this Niche we can observe that a few of the terms account for most of the search volume within the niche. We can also calculate a favorite metric of mine which is “Purchases” = “Total Search Volume” x “Search Conversion” - this is a better metric to look at versus search volume because it tells us how many purchases occur for a specific term. Some terms may be searched a lot but result in few purchases as compared with a term that is searched less often but results in greater amount of total purchases.
Here is a more organized view of the search terms showing how 9 of them make up 80% of all the purchases within the Niche - these are the important terms to monitor
Chinese competitors will compete on price and copy the best selling listings presentation and style. This product looks almost identical to the product Little Sleepies sells and is targeting their branded term “little sleepies.”
I’d be happy to do a more thorough deep dive on the account and analyze the current market share performance for branded terms and also the niche(s) within which Little Sleepies competes in.
Marc Pfeiffer - (310) 866-7463